"You will raise your young as Mandalorians and defend them. You will wear our armor, and speak our language. And you will serve the clan, and rally when called. These are the Resol'nare—the Six Actions—sacred to our movement. Do them and you may live to call yourselves Mandalorians!"

— A Mandalorian Rally Master

The Resol'nare are integral to what it means to be a Mando'ad, forming the basis for everything their people hold dear. They can be roughly summarized in a short poem often taught to children:

"Ba'jur, beskar'gam,
Ara'nov, aliit,
Mando'a bal Mand'alor
An vecuyan mhi."

1. Ke'ba'juri sa Mando'ade

1. Raise your children as warriors — Mando'ade have a responsibility to raise their children with their traditions and culture. This includes survival and battle skills that have kept their people alive throughout the millenia.

2. Ke'juri Beskar'gam

2. Wear your armor — Adult Mando'ade wear a full set of armor that not only protects, but is also used to identify members of clans or the rank of individuals. Some clans even mandate that individuals never remove their helmets around arutetiise. Typically, Beskar'gam is forged by the clan's armorer or passed down from an ancestor.

3. K'ara'novo Alït

3. Protect your clan — Beyond making sure that others in their clan know how to defend themselves, Mando'ade also have a responsibility to defend their clan if necessary. Collective defense is how Mando'ade ensure their survival against all odds.

4. Ke'gä'týli Alït Bralir

4. Help your clan succeed — Each individual Mando'ad has a responsibility to provide for their clan in whatever way they are capable. This doesn't just mean fighting, as it can also be any sort of trade or occupation that benefits the clan, (ie. farming, teaching, engineering, etc.).

5. Ke'jorhä'i Mando'a

5. Speak Mando'a One of the best ways to preserve a culture is to preserve its language. For this reason, Mando'ade are mandated to learn their language and speak it when among their people.

6. Ke'shekemi här Mand'alor

6. Follow the Mand'alor Though Mando'ade are known for infighting between clans, they also know well the power that comes in numbers. If the Mand'alor rallies their people to a cause, all clans are obligated to answer.